Wednesday, January 19, 2011


ahh the bus ride to school, this blog is all about jessica and i's experiences on our faithful 790.
1-19-11 the 7:20
we arrived at the bus stop just in time to file on to the 790 with all our fellow college kids bound for learning on the second day of school
we were slightly late. (my fault)
today we sat near the back on the top of the bus near the engine, however, i heard the engine along with what sounded to be someone sitting behind us imitating the engine noise.
"hhuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm" i heard behind me. squealing and high pitched squeaking with the brakes as well.
then the man sitting behind us broke into song when the bus wasn't moving, humming incomprehensible words not-so under his breath.
jess and i turned to each other with puzzled looks on our faces
...crackle...chew chew chew
"oh no!" i thought "i gotta keep an eye on this guy so he doesn't put his trash in our hoods"
(not sure why i thought this, but i deemed it appropriate to look nonchalantly over my shoulder every now and again to make sure nothing was in jess's hood.

then an annoyingly loud man got on and divulged his hatred of traffic, drunk drivers, texters-and-drivers, to an equally obnoxious lady. turns out both their spouses had some kind of degenerative disease. huh.

thankfully they all didn't stay too long, as i was attempting to comprehend the Iliad and failing miserably because of the odd bus imitating guy and the two loud-mouthed complainers.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i was trying so hard not to laugh when he was screeching like the brakes, i had to re-read pages of my book that i wasnt paying attention to cause i was listeniing to him lolol
    oh and those people talking soo loud!!! "semi-perfection is good" hahahahaha

